Les Mis Today
One connection I have noticed is how some people just assume things without getting all the facts. This happened in the book when the Bishop asked for some money and people were judging him and saying he was greedy, even though he gives almost all his money away. I think this happens a lot now a days, where people just jump to conclusions based on one thing they heard and they don't have the full picture. Another connection I noticed is kind of similar to the first one, and it is how some people are very judgmental. This is showcased in the book when the former prisoner is shunned by everyone and everyone treats him like he is super dangerous and kicks him to the streets. Unfortunately, people can still be super judgmental to others weather it's on their past or something a trivial as their skin color. The last connection I've noticed between Les Mis and the present day is how while some peoplee donate for the good of people, others donate to make themselves look better. For example, the Bishop gives his money away because he wants to help people. A lot of other people in the book barley give away anything, but then say how great they are for giving to the needy. A lot of people today do the same thing where they give charity for the attention instead of actually helping people.
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